Workshop Proposals for the 2022 Forum on Criminal Justice
The International Community Justice Association (ICJA) invites you to submit a workshop proposal for the 2022 Forum on Criminal Justice, November 2-4, 2022. This year’s event will be held virtually in partnership with the National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA). Special consideration will be given to proposals that include newer and emerging research that reflect the theme listed below.
Further Information:
Conference Theme
Creating just communities and enhancing public safety through research, policy and practice
Workshop Content and Format
Workshops are typically 60 minutes in length. The format may be lecture, panel presentation, or interactive. All sessions must include time for questions and answers. We are particularly interested in workshops that offer strong research elements that are focused on recidivism reduction or public safety enhancements through effective programs or services.
General Information
This year’s conference will be held virtually. For those speakers attending just to give their presentation, registration is free. For those wishing to attend the full conference, we will offer a special speaker rate.
Submitting Proposals
Please complete the submission form in its entirety including:
Title of presentation.
Brief professional biography for the author and for any co-authors intending to participate in the presentation at this year's annual conference.
Technical requirements for your presentation.