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2024 Annual Research Conference

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The International Community Justice Association (ICJA) invites you to attend the

2024 Annual Research Conference September 15th through 18th.

This year’s event will be held in-person, in Louisville, Kentucky at the Galt House!

2024 Conference Theme:

60 Years of Doing What Matters:
Creating Hope by Opening Doors
Through Emerging Research

Conference Schedule

Sunday, September 15, 2024

12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Registration

1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Pre-Conference Session


Monday, September 16, 2024

8:00 a.m. - Registration & Breakfast

8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. - Conference Opening Ceremony & Welcome

9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. - Opening Plenary Session

10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. - AM Break

10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. - Workshop Sessions

12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. - Margaret Mead Award Luncheon

2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. - PM Break

2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. - Workshop Sessions

6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. - 60th Anniversary Celebration

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

8:00 a.m. - Registration & Breakfast

8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. - Plenary Session

10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. - AM Break

10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. - Workshop Sessions

12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. - Break into Lunch

12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. - Lunch & Learn about ICJA's 60 Year History

2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. - Plenary Session


4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Justice Emerging Leaders (JEL) Mixer

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

8:00 a.m. - Registration & Coffee

8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. - Plenary Session

9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. - Lived Experience Plenary Presentation

11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. - Conference Closing

12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. - Facility Tours (please sign up when you register online to receive more information)

Pre-Conference Session

Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Pre-Conference Session

Workplace Culture: No Laughing Matter

Karen Vadino

Laughter is not only a response to jokes or funny situations, but a kind of appreciation of living, a sense of balance, a reflection of the joy of life itself.


Laughter and humor provide some wonderful benefits. Humor is becoming increasingly recognized as a vital part of problem-solving, conflict resolution, creativity, breaking down barriers and reducing stress. Humor is also recognized as a protective factor that builds resilience. Each of these is an essential ingredient for a healthy, productive work environment.


Every time we laugh, we release our endorphins. Humor allows us to get perspective. Sometimes we need humor to get a break from the seriousness of our reality. Laughter and humor are known to provide a respite from grief and pain, provide social support, reduce depression, anxiety and tension, and relieve stress.


Humor and laughter are among the essential ingredients for healthy selves, healthy relationships, and healthy work environments.  Understanding and accepting ourselves can provide a bridge to connecting with others.  Laughter and humor impact our lives in many ways.  This workshop will explore that impact and provide opportunities for us to examine our own sense of humor.  We will determine strategies for adding more humor into our lives.

Plenary Sessions

Monday, September 16, 2024

9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

A Growth Mindset: An Earn-As-You-Learn Model to Improve Correctional Staffing Shortages and the Correctional Workforce

Dr. Danielle S. Rudes

Staffing shortages within U.S. prisons and jails are at an all-time high yet recent statistics on incarceration levels suggest rising prison populations. This challenge is not unbeknownst to correctional departments who have tried a variety of means to increase recruitment and hiring and ensure staff retention. To date, most of these efforts show very little improvement in correctional staffing levels. At present correctional staff are difficult to recruit, once hired many staff feel under trained and ill-prepared, and in some states the retention rate for staff after one year hovers around 10%.


Recent data from a national survey suggests correctional staff desire training and career path preparation and work/life balance (ACA, 2024). Our analysis of narrative interview data collected from 184 staff and 448 residents in eight prisons and five jails in eight U.S. states between 2022 and 2024 suggests staff want training and education mostly in interpersonal communication and problem-solving. Additionally, they want that training delivered in person with on-going discussions and opportunities to practice associated skills.


In response, this plenary poses a new model that addresses recruitment, hiring, training, and retention of correctional staff. The Correctional Earn & Learn Legacy (CELL) program proposes partnerships between correctional institutions/agencies with universities/colleges so new and existing correctional staff receive pay for 40 hours/week with ~20 hours spent in the institution and the other hours in college courses. Tuition, fees, and books are covered by the correctional agency, university/college scholarships, or federal PELL grants. Correctional staff may earn an Associate’s Degree and/or a Bachelor’s Degree while earning a salary. They receive full benefits during the CELL program and their time in the program counts toward their retirement/pension.


This “demand side” (employer) approach represents a complete package for correctional staff that shifts the burden and cost of higher education from individuals to correctional organizations and yields an educated correctional workforce with improved interpersonal communication skills and other “soft skills” necessary in today’s carceral workplace including critical thinking, problem-solving, open-mindedness, and mega-cognition (Wagner, 2023).


The plenary presents data from Rudes’ prisons/jails study and a scoping review of several existing alternative employment pathways to prepare and equip staff for today’s challenging workplace. The plenary will also detail the CELL program framework program and ask correctional agencies to consider partnering with Dr. Rudes to develop and test this program with their in-coming (and/or existing) carceral workforce.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

The Power of Hope in Improving Community Wellbeing 

Stan R. MacLellan (Chief Administrative Officer, Durham Regional Police Service)

Honourable Vern D. White (Chief of Police, Ottawa Police Service, retired)


As society becomes more fractured and divisive the effect on communities most vulnerable to be engulfed within the criminal justice systems (CJS) has been elevated.  The impact of hopelessness on populations exacerbates health and wellbeing concerns of adolescents and others with the CJS.  This hopelessness has been linked to depression and community violence exposure (ECV) factors leading to symptoms of compromised mental health, suicidal ideation or behaviours, and increased involvement with the CJS. Thus, exacerbating already disproportionate participation rates of members of vulnerable communities.   The CJS is currently overwhelmed.  Overflowing institutions results in participants in the CJS receiving less support, higher incidents of recidivism, and the potential for more victims. 


Hopelessness is a contagion and as communities – especially those disproportionally engaged with the CJS – experience a lack of hope, the negative consequences will escalate.  How populations experience and are affected by the CJS is necessary to understand, however, so too are the opportunities to positively influence the situation by increasing hope and opportunities of the future. 


Hope, if leverage as an active force through agency, provides many benefits, driving individual achievement and personal/physical health.  Generating hope establishing goals, creating agency and developing pathways can be a strong influence in the wellbeing of citizens.  Hope is a strong predictor of health, productivity, longevity, and civic participation.  Institutional participation is instrumental because these organizations have the fiscal means and ability to create structures and programs that can provide people with agency that aligns with hope.  


In the current study, we explore four case studies — i) victim supports - improving trauma victims hope for the future ii) recruiting and retention of diverse and underrepresented participants in policing by removing barriers to entering the profession, iii) improving youth programming and substance use support/treatment, and iv) youth growth and development – with a focus on how they create opportunities for at risk youth to “make good.” These youth, we find, experience positive developmental opportunities for improving communication, community engagement, and leadership.  The programs at the core of each of the four case studies do so by removing barriers and creating opportunities for people they would otherwise not have, thus demonstrating the power of hope/agency, and the scope of positive outcomes experienced by prior youth participants.  We conclude by presenting a model to elevate the role of researchers and institutions play in building momentum to leverage the power of hope and agency to support marginalized people who interact with the CJS.


2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Contemporary Challenges in Community Corrections: What Role Can Technology Play?

Dr. Jill Viglione

This plenary session explores the critical role of community corrections within the criminal justice system, highlighting contemporary challenges and examining promising solutions. With a growing push for reforms, the system faces immense pressure to innovate while maintaining public safety and workforce stability. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated innovation, leading to technological advancements that might not have occurred otherwise.

During the pandemic, technology emerged as a potential solution to several challenges. Agencies implemented practices such as remote and hybrid supervision practices, work-from-home policies, and increased use of telehealth for various treatment services. In this session, I will discuss lessons learned from the pandemic and consider how technology may (or may not) address the contemporary challenges facing community corrections agencies. I will review existing research on the use of technology in community corrections, discussing both its benefits and challenges, as well as the unanswered questions that remain.
The discussion will be supplemented with two examples of integrating technology into probation and parole supervision. These examples will provide an overview of experimental studies on the use of virtual supervision via a mobile application. I will describe how two different agencies integrated virtual supervision into their work, with a video presentation demonstrating the mobile application in action. This video will also feature discussions with probation/parole officers and clients.

We will then review the lessons learned from these two studies, including strategies for successful implementation and ongoing challenges. This section aims to pose questions for audience members to consider regarding the advancement of technology in effective and feasible ways across the system.

The plenary will conclude with an outline of future directions and needs to advance this line of work, and a call for agencies to consider ways in which technology might help mitigate the challenges they face. This comprehensive exploration aims to provide valuable insights and actionable strategies for leveraging technology to improve outcomes in community corrections.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

Mr. Josh Cochran

Jails are arguably the most overlooked and under-studied organization within the criminal justice system. This is ironic given the centrality and scale of jail incarceration in the United States. Jails, compared to prisons, influence exponentially more people, yet descriptions of what happens in jails and evaluation of the formal and informal practices of jails are relatively non-existent. This has a number of cascading consequences that need to be addressed immediately, including less academic and policymaker attention to jails, far fewer opportunities to fund jail programs and evaluations, and critical missed opportunities to amend and improve the fairness and effectiveness of the entire criminal justice system.​


9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Theatre for Social Change - Columbia University

The Right/Write to Heal: Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women in Their Own Voices is a new initiative with the Center for Justice (CfJ) at Columbia University’s School of Social Work. The mission of the Right/Write to Heal initiative is to impact the current narrative by empowering women to write and directly share their own stories through mainstream and social media, podcasts, theatre, and a published anthology. These activities are archived for historical purposes with the ultimate goal of humanizing the unique, individual, and collective experiences of women, particularly women of color, who, from early in their lives, face racism, violence, and structural barriers that lead to punishment and imprisonment.


During the plenary, nine women from the Right/Write to Heal collective will participate in a theatre production that depicts the challenges and barriers women face as they return to the community. A series of scenarios written and performed by group members will demonstrate how they cope with the consequences of incarceration on themselves, their families, and communities to change how people understand the impact of criminalization on women.


Four of the theatre members will also participate in a panel presentation about innovative programs they manage to provide opportunities to address barriers faced by impacted individuals to find safe and affordable housing, advance employment and education opportunities, and address behavioral health issues.

Plenary 1
Plenary 2
Plenary 3

Workshop Presentations

Monday, September 16 - 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.


Working with Emerging Adults in the Criminal Legal System: What Do We Know & What Can We Do? 

Dr. Kimberly Sperber 

Emerging adults, often defined as 18 to 24 years old, are disproportionately represented among those under various forms of correctional control and supervision in the adult criminal legal system. These young adults differ substantially in terms of psychosocial maturity, brain development, and their trajectory on the age-crime curve compared to their older counterparts. While these differences make them more susceptible to involvement in criminal behaviors and legal sanctions, they can also make them more amenable to effective correctional interventions. Consequently, this workshop will review what both the empirical literature and practice tells us about this population and will discuss the practical implications for effectively engaging this subgroup to maximize positive outcomes. 

1.5 COB Credits


Addressing the Equity and Fairness of Assessments: How the National Guidelines can Transform Agencies’ Communication and Use of Post-Conviction Risk and Needs Assessments 

Mr. David D’Amora & Ms. Kendra Carroll 

Until now, criminal justice agencies had not been given the guidance they need to communicate the strengths and limitations of risk and needs assessment. A set of 13 national guidelines were developed that advise criminal justice agencies on prioritizing accuracy, fairness, transparency, and effective communication and use of post-conviction risk and needs assessments. The guidelines permit agencies to follow a coherent set of guidelines on the development and use of risk and needs assessment and encourage testing of their instruments for accuracy and fairness across race, ethnicity, and gender. By aligning with evidence-based practices, the guidelines promote ongoing evaluation, validation, and refinement of assessment instruments. People who are being assessed rarely receive information about these assessments, how they work, and what they will be used to determine, therefore, communication must be a central consideration in planning, training, and implementation – agencies should develop a template for communicating the individual results of the assessment instrument to all relevant stakeholders, including the person being assessed. Correct implementation of post-conviction risk and needs assessments can give criminal justice agencies the information they need to appropriately target supervision resources and reentry services and thereby increase people’s likelihood of success post-incarceration. Risk and needs assessments play a vital role in enhancing decision-making, thus state agencies should focus on continuous improvement through adopting the national guidelines to ensure accuracy and fairness for all individuals in the criminal justice system. This session will discuss the challenges agencies have encountered, what solutions agencies have created, and where the field needs to improve in terms of risk and needs assessment. Presenters will describe the benefits of adhering to the national guidelines and discuss findings of information received through the supplementary self-assessment tool. Participants will also learn about areas of priority for states currently receiving technical assistance, hear about related research, and have an opportunity to ask questions for discussion.

1.5 COB Credits


Addressing the Domestic Violence Crisis: Enhancing Interagency Cooperation to Improve Services, Mitigate Risks, and Reduce Costs 

Dr. Kristy Burton & Mrs. Brandy Dailey 

In this presentation, we examine the critical intersection of domestic violence, incarceration, public safety, and resource allocation. Drawing from extensive experience in courts, corrections, and policing, the speakers will shed light on the challenges faced by individuals affected by domestic violence, particularly during their involvement with the criminal justice system as well as the extended cost of providing intervention and therapeutic services for survivors of violence. Specifically, the discussion will focus on the lack of tailored services for domestic violence survivors and perpetrators of abuse within correctional facilities, the heightened risk of harm to the public posed by those with histories of domestic violence, and the significant economic burden associated with addressing these issues.   


Through a comprehensive analysis of current practices and policies, attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the gaps in service provision, the potential consequences of inadequate intervention, and the financial implications of failing to address domestic violence effectively.  


Moreover, the presentation will explore innovative strategies and best practices for enhancing collaboration among courts, corrections agencies, law enforcement, and community-based organizations to better support survivors, hold offenders accountable, and safeguard the public. 


By highlighting the interconnectedness of these systems and the importance of a coordinated response, this session aims to inspire actionable solutions that prioritize victim safety, offender rehabilitation, and fiscal responsibility. Participants will leave equipped with practical insights and actionable steps to address the complex challenges posed by domestic violence within the criminal justice landscape while maximizing resources and promoting community well-being. 

1.5 COB Credits


Ohio Supportive Housing Programs for Justice-Involved Individuals; Highlighting the Upcoming Randomized Control Trial 

Ms. Terri Power, Ms. Valerie Walton & Mr. Stanley Frankart 

Returning Home Ohio (RHO) and Community Transitions Program (CTP) have been successful programs in Ohio using supportive housing as a platform in working with individuals leaving incarceration. RHO targets those with a serious and persistent mental illness and CTP targets those with s substance use disorder. Year after year, of the people in the program and those discharged, the recidivism rate to prison averages less than 5% return. This year we have begun working with the University of Notre Dame, Lab for Economic Opportunities, on a randomized control trial, to be running through 2027.  


This session will begin with a brief overview of supportive housing, a history of RHO and CTP, followed by an explanation of the current implementation practices and processes. The participants will then hear the exciting story from a current housing supervisor who started out as a tenant in the CTP program.   


The session will conclude with an overview of the randomized control trial; including the development and launch, the processes established, what is being measured, and lessons learned.   

1.5 COB Credits


Risk, Need, Responsivity and Now Strengths! What is all the Fuss about Strengths? 

Ms. Danielle Rieger & Dr. David Robinson 

Assessments for justice-involved individuals have evolved to include measures of static risk (e.g., criminal history), criminogenic needs (e.g., poor adaptive skills, employment problems) and responsivity factors (e.g., mental health, motivation). The current state of many assessment devices allows justice organizations to apply the well-researched principles of Risk, Need, and Responsivity (RNR). This allows case managers to determine the probability of recidivism, develop profiles of criminogenic and service needs, and better understand individual characteristics and circumstances that can aid in the case planning and service delivery process. The wide-scale implementation of RNR has greatly increased the employment of evidence-based practices within services to justice involved youth and adults and has supplied a quality assurance model for monitoring fidelity. More recently, the incorporation of strengths in assessment tools has been advancing as an additional element for consideration. Strengths are sometimes referred to as protective factors and include a range of skills, supports, assets, and positive dispositions exhibited by clients. Driven by developments in positive psychology, Motivational Interviewing, and the emergence of new criminal justice models (e.g., a focus on desistance research), the inclusion of strengths is generally viewed as an enhancement to RNR and existing assessment tools, rather than a replacement. From the perspective of advocates of this new development, measuring strengths is viewed as a beneficial vehicle for arriving at more comprehensive profiles of clients. Promoters of the use of strengths in assessments also point to advantages in facilitating rapport and building client commitment to positive behavioral change. 


This workshop will focus on the results of recent research on assessment tools that incorporate strength measures and review the evidence that supports including strengths as a method of enhancing the assessment process. The authors will describe some of their own research focusing on strengths as demonstrated through validation studies using the YASI and SPIn. The latter are two well-established assessment instruments that include strengths along with risk and need factors for justice-involved youth and adults. Several studies will be drawn upon to show the validity of strengths and how risk/need and strengths interact in predicting outcomes. In addition, the workshop will feature studies by other strength-based assessment tool developers that have contributed to the growing confidence that strengths make an important contribution to the enhancement of existing assessment models. The workshop will promote a discussion about how research on strengths can be applied to the case management process. This workshop also pays tribute to the late Dr. Ralph Serin, 2013 Margaret Mead Award winner, who pioneered the inclusion of strengths in his important work on assessment.  

1.5 COB Credits


Monday, September 16, 2024 - 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Identifying Substance Use Disorders and Mental Health Conditions in Community Corrections Populations 

Dr. Albert Kopak & Dr. Normal Hoffman 

This workshop will provide pragmatic tools for detecting substance use disorders (SUD) and mental health conditions (MHCs) in populations where behavioral health needs are observed with high prevalence. It will focus on low cost and efficient methods that can be easily implemented in community corrections settings. Data from recent arrestees will illustrate how screening and assessment principles can be applied and how data from such assessments have implications for public safety and public health.  


Findings from recent arrestees demonstrate shifts in the most prevalent substance use disorders and substantial proportions of people who have recently been arrested reported injecting drugs on a regular basis – a serious public health issue. In addition, mental health conditions remain consistently high with data indicating that PTSD and panic attacks rival major depression as the most common mental health conditions. This workshop will demonstrate how comprehensive, yet efficient assessment procedures can be applied to high-risk populations, such as those who are under the supervision of community corrections agencies. 

1.5 COB Credits


Barriers to Delivering Woman-Responsive Community Supervision and Ways to Overcome Them 

Dr. Merry Morash 

This workshop will focus on qualitative accounts of 118 Michigan women on probation and parole for felony offenses.  The women had multiple convictions before the start of the research.  Starting in 2011, they were interviewed 6 times over a 7 year period;  the fifth interview elicited their life stories and a retrospective look at the supervision experience.  The women’s descriptions of supervision and their lives included detailed accounts that show how supervising agents used a variety of strategies to improve clients’ quality of life and reduce their drug use and their recidivism.  The accounts also show limitations imposed by judges, medical and mental health service availability, community conditions, access to safety-net programs, and employment.  In some cases, the women’s stories revealed how supervising agents helped them overcome the barriers;  in others their stories pointed to the need for broader reforms both inside and outside of correctional programs and agencies.  The workshop will include several of the stories that women told.  It will point to evidence-based policy and program reforms known to overcome barriers to desistance.  Finally, it will elicit audience comment and strategies for adoption and implementation of reforms that enhance woman responsive supervision.      

1.5 COB Credits      


Exploring Prosecutorial Discretion in the Plea-Bargaining Process in Philadelphia, PA 

Andreea Matei 

As we have come to reckon with our nation’s over reliance on carceral punishment and the mass incarceration of people of color, particularly Black people, experts are turning to a key system point that is the primary method for resolving most criminal cases: plea bargaining. Despite the wide use of plea bargaining, little is known about the practice, largely because it happens outside of public view, and little is documented by the key actors involved-prosecutors. To better understand prosecutorial discretion in plea bargaining, the Urban Institute was funded by the MacArthur Foundation through the Safety and Justice Challenge Research Consortium, which is managed by the CUNY Institute for State and Local Governance, to conduct a study on plea bargaining policies, practices, and outcomes. Urban partnered with the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office to assess the various influences guiding prosecutorial plea bargaining

decision making, what trends in plea offers and outcomes exist, and what the perceptions of other key actors look like.


This presentation will share findings and recommendations from a mixed-method exploration into prosecutorial decision-making in Philadelphia, PA. Our data collection activities included a policy review; analysis of administrative data from 2018 to 2021; interviews with 11 Philadelphia ADAs, 9 defense providers, and 5 people who accepted pleas; a case file review of 115 cases; and a survey of 65 ADAs. We

organize our findings by three main topics: policies and goals of plea bargaining, trends in plea offers and outcomes, and decision making and perceptions of key actors. Our findings along these categories have led to numerous recommendations for prosecutors and other relevant criminal legal system actors.


Moving from Stuck to Unstuck: The Power of a Statewide Multi-Agency Implementation Community 

Mrs. Stephanie Buelow, Dr. Alexandra Walker, Mrs. Rachel Miller, Mr. Shawn Trusten & Mr. Carter Diers 

Minnesota has a rich history of implementing evidence-based practices both at the local and state level. Despite small successes, several agencies across the correctional landscape wondered what it could look like to do this work smarter and have more impact. Using the concepts, tools, and strategies introduced in Alliance for Community and Justice Innovation’s Implementation Leadership Academy (ILA), corrections agencies across the State of Minnesota committed to furthering their commitment to intentional and purposeful use of implementation science. In 2021, Ramsey County Community Corrections Department created an internal implementation team to work on alignment and address barriers. As other correctional agencies across the state went through ILA, Ramsey County leadership opened up membership in their group, ultimately forming a statewide, multi-agency implementation-focused community of practice.  Implementation leaders bring their projects to the community for feedback, engaging in alignment activities, talking through barriers, and supporting each other when they feel stuck.  

The upcoming event offers a unique opportunity to delve into the inner workings of this inter-agency implementation community and unearth invaluable insights. Participants can expect to embark on a transformative journey, guided by the following learning objectives: 


Understanding Implementation Dynamics: Participants will gain foundational knowledge of implementation principles and alignment strategies within team settings spanning multiple agencies. 


Exploring Collaborative Initiatives: Delve into the underlying motivations behind the convergence of state and local agencies in Minnesota towards a shared focus on implementation excellence. 


Navigating Challenges: Learn from real-world experiences as the statewide, multi-agency team confronts and overcomes challenges, barriers, and moments of inertia through the application of best practices. 


Harnessing the Power of Implementation Science: Witness firsthand how personnel from diverse local and state agencies leverage implementation science to catalyze transformative change in project management methodologies, laying the groundwork for sustained success. 


Innovations in Supervision: A Strategic Approach to Building Staff Skills and Elevating the Use of Evidence-Based Case Management  

Ms. Jennifer Welch & Ms. Susan Burke 

The Kansas Innovations in Supervision initiative is grant funded work designed to increase capacity for the use of evidence-based corrections practices across Kansas. Awarded by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, the four-year, multi-faceted effort will conclude in September 2024. The grant was awarded to the Kansas Department of Corrections (KDOC), with The Carey Group and Center for Effective Public Policy providing services throughout the grant. KDOC has a strong history of working to incorporate evidence-based practices into its work and the grant was requested to build on those efforts. The work has focused on community-based supervision through KDOC’s parole/post release supervision division and Kansas’ 31 Community Corrections agencies.  State correctional facilities are included in the process, with a focus on the future as part of the sustainability plan. This workshop will provide information about the grant’s goals, the strategies used to accomplish them and the outcomes.  


Procedures, policy and agency culture were evaluated using interviews with staff, focus groups, surveys and other methods.  Pre and Post surveys were conducted to assess staff perspectives and experiences related to evidence-based corrections practices; The survey results will be shared during the workshop as well as outcome measures for seven areas of focus.  

A significant area of the grant focused on enhancing staff’s use of effective communication skills and cognitive behavioral interventions. The workshop will discuss the methodical approach used to train staff and then assess their use of skills and proficiency. After attending training, parole and probation officers had interactions with individuals on supervision observed by consultants, with coaching and guidance provided after each observation. The observations occurred sequentially for 3 interactions.  A form was used to guide the assessment of skills and coaching discussions.  Data and process information will be shared for this work.  We will also discuss the impact on use of The Carey Guides (cognitive behavioral tools) with clients on supervision.  


Increasing the capacity of line supervisors to coach and mentor staff is a focus area of the grant and the workshop will discuss the EBP BriefCASE process. The BriefCASE it a tool that provides supervisors with content and a structured format to guide discussions of EBP concepts and skills.  Staff and supervisors had a positive response to the process, and a participating supervisor will share their experience.   


To conclude the workshop, participants will learn about the sustainability plan, which includes a training of trainers process and a continuous quality improvement (CQI) plan. The CQI plan uses a variety of review processes to address quality, fidelity, and strengthen or reinforce the use of evidence-based case management skills. The review methods and documents used will be shared during the workshop, including fidelity reviews for LS/CMI and WRNA and the observation and coaching process. 


Tuesday, September 17th, 2024 - 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Mental Health, Well-Being and Public Safety Work 

Mr. Howard Sapers & Dr. Rose Ricciardelli 

We compared the mental health and well being of correctional workers who completed an online survey either before or during COVID. The pre-COVID data came from participants in Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Yukon. The during COVID data came from participants in Alberta, British Columbia, Quebec, Northwest Territories, Nunavut. Participants include provincial and territorial correctional workers in operational and administrative roles from community and institutional environments and included youth workers. Operational correctional workers in both environments reported substantial

symptoms of mental health disorders, particularly post traumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder. Remarkably, the prevalence was consistent or even decreased for those in surveyed during COVID-19, which we attribute to decarceration efforts which reduced staff shortages and supported correctional workers in meeting their occupational responsibilities with greater ease. We also used qualitative responses to open-ended survey items to contextualize the high symptom prevalence based on participant experiences. We identified insights about participant needs and barriers related to accessing mental health treatments. Recommendations are provided for future research, and for potentially beneficial policies and practices.


The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) has been involved in work related to mental health and the law since the Mental Health Strategy for Canada was released in 2012. Recent work includes a scoping review on the mental health needs of justice involved people, which led to a 2020 national forum where we heard from stakeholders about the need for action in this area. We were also reminded that healthy environments for people in conflict with the law begin with healthy environments in which justice and public safety personnel work. The 2020 forum reinforced the need for a comprehensive national action plan to address mental health gaps and needs of justice involved people. This presentation will introduce the process in place to develop the national action plan, the main priorities and cross-cutting considerations that are informing the plan, and how the plan will be put into action. Examples of how front-line personnel have been engaged, and how the plan can help address issues identified in correctional officer well-being research, will be provided.


Why Wait? Setting Foundations in Community Supervision 

Lauren Kenney, Eric Willoughby & Joe Lambers

Participation in evidence-based programming (EBP) has been associated with a reduced risk of recidivism for individuals on community supervision. To achieve the benefits of EBP, however, it is imperative that individuals have access to and begin treatment immediately after they are put on supervision. Unfortunately, given the large numbers of individuals community correction agencies serve, long waiting periods to start treatment is a common problem for individuals on probation and parole. Research on treatment waiting periods, especially for substance use treatment, suggests that extended wait times can serve as a barrier to treatment, with longer wait times being associated with higher rates of pre-treatment attrition (e.g., Carr et al., 2008). Recognizing the problem of long wait times and the potential benefits of engaging individuals in EBP immediately after they are placed on supervision, Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas (HCCP), located in Cincinnati, Ohio, contracted with the University of Cincinnati’s Corrections Institute (UCCI) to address this issue. Specifically, HCCP collaborated with UCCI to develop, train, and pilot an open-format, short-term Cognitive Behavioral Intervention (CBI) for moderate to high-risk adults under Intensive Supervision Probation (ISP). The goal of developing such a program was to ensure that

individuals were engaged in treatment soon after they are put on ISP. The program was intended to introduce individuals to cognitive behavioral skills that would help prepare them for more intensive CBI programming, as treatment groups became available. By developing an open format group, HCCP ensured that individuals engaged in some type of EBP immediately after admission into their agency, while the short-term nature of the program ensured that individuals were introduced to a variety of CBI techniques in a short amount of time.


The goal of this workshop is to present the process followed by HCCP and UCCI to bridge the gap between theoretical best practices and practical intervention models needed to work with justice-involved individuals. Specifically, the workshop will cover the process for developing this new curriculum, along with the steps taken to pilot the program with individuals on ISP. The workshop will discuss how staff were trained and coached on the new program and how UCCI developed internal capacity within HCCP to ensure that the new program was delivered with fidelity. In addition, data collected during the pilot process will be presented to demonstrate how HCCP and

UCCI used data to inform and improve the delivery of the newly adopted treatment program.

1.5 COB Credits


Implementation of the Collaborative Case Work Model for Developing Success Plans with Justice-Involved Youth and Adults 

Dr. David Robinson & Ms. Ida-Jane Graham

Collaborative Case Work (CCW) is a model of assessment and case planning that focuses on promoting the full participation of justice-involved clients in the development of individualized plans for their success. Informed by Risk, Needs, and Responsivity Principles (RNR) the model seeks to develop rapport with clients through the assessment process in a way that facilitates their interest in becoming a joint architect in creating case plans that address their unique needs. Motivational Interviewing represents a critical method for encouraging client participation and enhancing their motivation to achieve goals that are personally relevant and rewarding to them. In addressing criminogenic needs, the Collaborative Case Work approach stresses personal incentives and helps clients become aware of how working on key areas of life change will help them achieve their aspirations. A key component of Collaborative Case Work is the employment of a strength-based assessment approach that not only measures risk and need factors, but also taps the client’s assets, skills, talents, supports, and interests. The approach emphasizes engaging the client in gathering information for assessment using MI techniques, and further involves them in a feedback exercise to ensure they are party to the results of the assessment process. 


This panel will present experience from two implementations of the Collaborative Case Work model, one in John Howard Society of Ottawa (Canada) and the other in Kentucky Division of Juvenile Justice. Both presenters were responsible for managing the implementation components of the model in their agencies, including training, policy, coaching and quality assurance. Data profiling the strength-based assessment will explore how clients can be described on risk/need factors as well as strengths or protective factors. The data presented by representatives from the two organizations will show how patterns of risk, needs and strengths vary for males and females and individuals manifesting different risk levels. Statistics from John Howard Society, which serves youth and adults through a variety of community programs, will be based on the Service Planning Instrument (SPIn), Service Planning Instrument for Women (SPInW) and the Youth Assessment and Screening Instrument (YASI). Data from the Kentucky jurisdiction will be derived from their use of YASI for youth under community supervision and in custody.  


After laying the groundwork through assessment data, the presenters will elaborate on how the assessment process is used to begin the collaboration in building success plans with clients. Various steps including mapping, choosing need priorities, providing client feedback, developing strength-based goals (based on client incentives) and selecting action steps will be elaborated for workshop participants. The presenters will also discuss the successes and challenges they encountered in managing their respective implementations of the strength-based approach with their colleagues and staff. 

1.5 COB Credits


Health Disparities and Multimorbidity Among Older Adults Incarcerated in Prison: The Role of Health Insurance 

Dr. Stephanie Grace Prost & Mr. Daniel Bullman

Older adults constitute a large and growing proportion of persons incarcerated in state prisons and existing scholarship relays a disparate health burden among older adults in prisons compared to their peers in community settings. Researchers have further cataloged the contribution of health insurance broadly, and of private and public coverage narrowly on a variety of health outcomes among older persons. However, little is known regarding the role of health insurance on measures of health among older adults incarcerated in state prisons and further, how varying coverage attenuates this relationship. Using secondary data drawn from face-to-face interviews with older adults incarcerated in Kentucky prisons (n=499), we examined differences between older adults with and without health insurance at admission across life quality, post-traumatic stress, depression, activities of daily living, and multimorbidity (two or more chronic health conditions) measures using a series of independent sample t-tests, associated standardized effects, and hierarchical multiple linear regression. Approximately 58% of all older adults reported having insurance at admission. Findings reveal those with insurance at admission had significantly better health than those without coverage at admission across numerous measures (Cohen’s d range: -.35 - .33). Likewise, those with private insurance fared better than those with public insurance regarding life quality, mental health, and functional impairment (Cohen’s d range: -.55 - .57). Results of the regression model indicate there is a statistically significant difference in the mean number of chronic health conditions between older adults with and without health insurance at admission upon controlling for common correlates of multimorbidity including age, race, gender, and marital status, and educational attainment (R2=.35, F(6,470) = 10.88, p<.001). While additional insights regarding insurance patterns and related behaviors are important limits, this study provides indication of the potential role of health insurance as a protective factor in the reduction of chronic illness among older adults in prisons.  


Using Innovation to Reduce Recidivism: Functional Family Therapy-Adult

Dr. Thomas Sexton & Mrs. Marta Anderson

To effectively work with young adults in the criminal justice system, adopting innovative, collaborative, and evidence-based solutions is important. The traditional approach of the criminal justice system has been to assess and rehabilitate individuals on an individual basis. However, it's important to recognize that individuals in the justice system are not operating in isolation. They face a range of familial, social, and community barriers that need to be addressed in order to break the cycle of incarceration. For individuals in and out of the justice system or experiencing their first contact, it's common to feel overwhelmed and hopeless. These individuals may exhibit a range of issues, including unemployment, non-compliance with mandated programming, substance use, undiagnosed mental health, family conflict, failure to launch, prior criminal charges, and limited access to resources. With the recent criminal justice reforms, there is a

growing need for evidence-based programming, such as FFT-A, that can effectively assess and meet the unique needs of each defendant and promote engagement, with or without a court mandate.


This workshop describes an innovative and integrative project in New York City to address reduce recidivism, improve community safety, and address racial inequity for those young adults at the highest risk for re-offending. Functional Family Therapy-Adult (FFT-A) is a systematic contextualization of the long-standing evidence-based Functional Family Therapy model designed to aid in the prevention of incarceration and in helping in successful and stable community reintegration following incarceration. FFT-A is designed for adults (19-27) involved in the criminal justice system and is built around a strength-focused model that builds hope, engagement, and the skills necessary to be successful. The model integrates the core FFT model with family-based therapeutic case management services and systematic skills training. FFT is based on the core principle that individuals need to develop stable and functional relationships

and have a secure base with those in their closest family, couple, and peer groups. When within family stability is achieved, offenders are able to extend those skills to work, peer, and other community relationships.


FFT-Adult fills a significant void in the services required in community-based corrections and mental systems. It takes a distinct family and relational approach to assist offenders in learning and practicing the essential skills needed to manage social, vocational, and family skills in everyday life. Research has consistently shown that family-based risk factors are among the most crucial in fostering a stable and functional involvement in work, home, and community. In fact, close and supportive family relationships are a cornerstone of successful offender rehabilitation, and intimate partners and minor children can play a pivotal role in this process. Family support, regular contact, and participation in children’s daily activities are some of the most influential factors that help male offenders stay out of prison (LaVigne, Shollen-Berger, & Debus, 2009). The quality of intimate relationships also impacts the likelihood of illegal drug use among former male prisoners (Visher, Knight, Chalfin, & Roman, 2009). The ability to resolve conflict in expectations and to build effective strategies for enhanced family support are central to reducing recidivism (Shollenberger, 2009). The program integrates Protective Life & Social Skills to disrupt the cycle of criminal thinking often involved in recidivism. It's guided by a unique measurement feedback system that places participant’s feedback at the heart of treatment.


The FFT-A project in New York City is a collaboration between the City Government (Office of Public Safety), a local NGO (United Way), a local community provider embedded in the community (Riseboro), and Functional Family Therapy. The presentation will review the implementation process, early outcomes, and the necessary ingredients for collaboration between the Justice and Treatment systems.

1.5 COB Credits

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